A fascinating examination of Jewish opposition to Zionism within the Holy Land and a vision of a “post-Israel” Middle East.
The sixth war between Israel and the Arab world, like so many other cases in history, has a complex background: the long term history of the Zionist presence in Palestine is one way of explaining what occurred on Lebanon’s soil in July and August this year. A closer look at the specific Israeli policies in the last six years, is another. This long term history is discussed in the first part of this article and it is connected, in the second part to the more immediate background leading to the destruction of Lebanon and the Gaza Strip in the summer of 2006.
Rima Fakhry gives a personal view of the recent Israeli aggression and discusses how it was only the latest in a long series of attacks stretching back almost 60 years. With each attack, the Lebanese people have become stronger and realized that armed resistance is the only way to repel Zionist aggression.
Pappe’s latest book is an informative account of the history of Palestine from the mid-Eighteenth Century until the recent war on Iraq. It covers vital historical periods including the fall and division of the Ottoman Empire, British Mandate Palestine, the creation of Israel, the various Arab-Israeli wars, the invasion of Lebanon, the Intifadah and the failed Oslo Accords.
Welcome to Volume 2 of the Palestinian Internationalist. It’s already been a year since we first went online. The response has been encouraging. Although there are many websites with Palestine as their main topic of discussion, we hoped our journal would be able to provide an academic response to the issues affecting Palestine. Thus we have been publishing online articles written by prominent academics who are also activists on the ground. It is hoped that we will continue to get articles by different scholars who would contribute to our discussion regarding the future of Palestine.
In this issue we have two prominent intellectuals who graciously contributed their pieces for Palestinian Internationalist. The first article is written by Professor Yakov Rabkin. Rabkin examines the opposition to Zionism amongst Jewish scholars in the Holy Land. Dr Illan Pappe, a prominent historian from Haifa University, enlightens us in regards to the recent Israeli bombardment of Lebanon in an article titled, What does Israel Want. From there we proceed to Rima Fakhri’s article on the recent bombings in Lebanon. From her article we get a vivid picture of state terrorism in which more than 1000 people were killed or suffered injuries and modern infrastructure worth millions of dollars destroyed. Rima also dwells on the hidden agenda behind the bombings. The last article is a review article on, A History of Modern Palestine, a book written by Dr Illan Pappe which discusses the various historical, social and political factors which helped shape modern Palestine.
Editorial team of the September Issue
Mohamad Nasrin Nasir
Fahad Ansari
Arzu Merali
Copyright © 2005 Palestine Internationalist
source: Volume 2 Issue 1 (Sep 2006), http://www.palint.org/mag.php?issuenum=21
The opinions expressed on this site, unless otherwise stated, are those of the authors.